Monday, August 20, 2007

A Passion for Prose

During my book club discussion tonight, a few people marveled at how I can sit and read a book for hours--even into the wee hours of the morning--and not get distracted, or even tired.

I've always been like that. I remember reading in bed as a kid, long after everyone else had gone to sleep. I just love to read--to get caught up in a complete other world that's so unlike life here in good ol' Central PA.

I go in fits and spurts, though. At the beach I can go through four books during the week with no problem. But then once I get back real life sets in again and reading gets put on the back burner for awhile.

I always come back to it, though, like an old friend. So many books, so little time.


  1. Were you the type of kid who would read under the covers after "lights out"? Somehow, I can picture you with a flashlight just reading away.

  2. New to your blog; I saw the photo of the PSU lion and thought I'd drop by and visit. I live in Spring Mills and am attending PSU part-time (and working full-time).

    I'm the same way as you are about books; my college roommate called it my "death-like reading trance." After majoring in English and teaching college English for six years, it's such a treat to just read for pleasure! I can read for hours at a time, dozing off then waking to read more. I devour books at a quick clip, often re-reading oldies but goodies just to savor them some more.

  3. Donna--Yep, that was me. I'd still do it except Bob bitches at me to turn the damn light out. *sigh* He just doesn't get it.

    dguzman--Hey! You read Donna's blog, too. I knew I'd seen your "alias" somewhere.

    I had to MapQuest Spring Mills to see where you were, and I see I've passed by your town many a time on Rt. 45 on the way back from or to a PSU game. Such a pretty drive on a crisp fall morning.

    What are you studying at PSU? I don't envy you--working full-time and going to school part-time. I considered going back to get my Masters. Then considered it some more and said, "Uh, no." Maybe after the girls are grown...!

    Thanks for reading!


  4. The most luxurious thing to me is giving myself permission to suspend everything for however long it takes to read a book from cover to cover - moving from place to place all day and night, never really putting it down until it's finished.

    I have a great collection of booklights, too.

