Friday, December 5, 2008

The Hilltop News

It's funny...I have been told repeatedly that my Ireland blog was quite witty and well-written. One friend even went so far as to suggest I try to get it published. As I am my own worst critic (who isn't?) I find that hard to believe. But maybe I'll give the blogging thing another go.

I miss writing. It's hard to fit any type of writing in between work, kids, housework, reading, Facebook (a new favorite time-waster). The only time I'm forced to write is for that illustrious bi-montly publication known as the Silver Spring Elementary Hilltop News (circulation 500). The Hilltop News is the eyes, ears, nose and throat of my daughters' elementary school. I'm the editor/head writer, which isn't nearly as glamorous as it sounds. Every two months or so I find myself chained to my computer, hammering out some article on the various goings-on at Silver Spring. Or designing the newsletter on Microsoft Publisher. I find myself bitching about it each and every time to anyone that will listen.

Yet when it's complete, I am immensely proud of what I've done. The articles that I pounded out late at night somehow sound pretty good. The layout of the newsletter itself somehow comes together and seems to mesh. Most amazingly, Silver Spring parents will come up to me and say, "You know, I enjoyed this edition of the Hilltop News. You always do such a nice job with it." And they mean it.

So maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself. Maybe I really have missed my calling as a writer or journalist. That's OK. I can get my writing fix every two months at the helm of the Hilltop News.
